Good morning Well, it was the best women's volleyball for three days! Personally, I love director Kumi Nakata, and it was cool, wasn't it? If the coach is big and gutsy poses and jumps and rejoices, not only the players but also the watching side will be happy, right? Men's volleyball starts from today, too.Japan Gambale So, I took a break from playing volleyball and went to "Apple Picking" yesterday. It is an apple farm which is taken care of every year.Apple picking. When I said that, Coco! That's about it. You can also enjoy the atmosphere in the nature of Nagano. I wonder if the apple garden that we take care of will come from about October 5th. It said, and it flew a little, but it was sweet enough, and it was crispy and very delicious. Other apple farms seem to be opening on October 1st, too. Somehow, the color is delayed overall this year. That's what he said. As is the case with tohoen shiitake, it's hard to grow them naturally, isn't it?As a minute, it grows well by rain and wind. The more you endure, the more you have, the more you have a special taste.It was really delicious!Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original content.
2019Year September
Good morning The other day, I heard from a friend of mine and asked me to join a junior high school reunion. Unfortunately, I have errands to attend on the day and I can't participate, but I got in touch with my best friend who was my best friend in junior high school for the first time in a long time, and even though we are both older, we can interact naturally like we did back then, and the other party is still healthy and living happily. I was so happy to know that, and I felt nostalgic.It's good to have friends. When you're an adult, make friends. It's not easy. They are only superficial acquaintances, and they are best friends from the bottom of their hearts when they were students. I can't make as many friends as I think Lately, I've always been more of a friend than a friend or family. It was a life like that, so I got a call from a friend for the first time in a long time, It was very fresh and I was happy. I really loved her, she was always with me, my parents knew each other, and I unexpectedly contacted my mother from '00. He seems to be doing well. I told my mother, and it doesn't changeAnd my mother was delighted. It's nice to have a conversation like that. I would like to cherish the relationship that will not change forever from now on.Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original content.
Good morning, it's chilly this morning. Yesterday and today, volleyball talk, but yesterday's match against Brazil. Straight Lose I mean, Brazil. You're good at serving and receiving. Even if Japan plays well, they won't let you pick it up, pick it up, and let you decide. Still, Japan will continue to rally in the midfield and decide in the end. He also played well with tenacity. But you lose. I mean, Brazil is strong after all We still have three matches left against Serbia, Argentina and the Netherlands. I want you to change your mind and fight with all your might, even though it's all tough matches, regardless of whether you win or lose.Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original content.
Good morning 昨日のワールドカップ 女子バレー勝ちましたねCrackling crackling 敗戦が続いており、韓国戦なんかも力の差。と言うより、日本のミスが目立ち、負けてしまった。という感じで、テレビ観戦をしていて、 ヤキモキしておりましたが、昨日は見事ストレート勝ち 日本、完全復活とまではいきませんが、その前の強豪国アメリカ戦では、結果負けてしまいましたが、 すばらしい試合だったと思います。日本も必死に食らいつき、大きなミスもなく、強豪国アメリカにフルセット持ち越しで、本当に接戦でしたよね 私は、試合終了後、よく頑張ったねと思わず、大きな拍手をしてしまいました さすが、アメリカですよね 今日は、ブラジル戦ですブラジルも強豪国なので、日本は苦しい戦いになると思いますが、 日本はメンタルが安定しております。 仲間を信じて、日本らしいスピード・安定感のある正確なボールさばきで、あきらめず最後まで全力で戦ってほしいですよね 今日も、テレビにしがみついて、日本を応援します ガンバレ ニッポンLanguage This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original content.
おはようございます。 今日は、朝からすごい勢いで雨が降っています。 この雨があがると、一気に気温が下がる。ていうのも風のうわさで耳にしたような。。 そうすると、しいたけちゃんには嬉しい情報ですね。。 朝晩が、グッと気温がさがってくると、椎茸の赤ちゃんが顔を出し始めます 9月も後半になり、季節も変わるので、イメージチェンジで私も胸の下くらいまであった髪の毛を 肩につくぐらいまで、バッサリ切ってきました 夏が終わり、最近バッサリ短く 髪を切る人 多いですよね ファッションも秋物が売り出していて、今年の流行とか敏感にな時期ですよね 私は、個人的にネイルもやるので、今年の秋ネイルには敏感で、ボルドーやカーキ、マスタード、なにげにレオパード柄が流行ってる感じがしますよ また、冬には冬でまた違うデザインが来るので、秋を思いっきり楽しみたいですねLanguage This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original content.
Jajān I bought a Tokai Walker ~ Which one is which, don't overlook the article. There was~ Leftmost Coco The article was not smaller than I thought I hope that many people will see this and come to play ~ On the same site as Tohoen, there is also Breeders' Shop Life Brilliantly dancing (swimming) fighting fish, solid and varied medaka, and Labrador bells and cookies that are too good to be guard dogs will greet you. Enjoy a meal at Tohoen and play with life after eating. We also do medaka scooping and sales I stopped by for a while!! etc., okWe welcome you very much. Tohoen Breeders' Shop Life is operated by the same Motomura Co., Ltd. Stone kiln manufacturing and sales are also carried out at our own factory, so please feel free to contact us for consultation on stone kiln.Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original content.
Good morning. Today, the temperature drops all at once in the morning and it is a little cold. When coming to Toei Town, it is a good feeling to wear one thin long sleeve Tomorrow, "Starry Sky Ongaku Festival 2019" will be held in Toei Town. The time is 10: 30 ~ 21: 00 ^ ^ I also did not have a reservation for the night shop for a long time, so I thought I would go at night, Tohoen I can not go because the reservation of the night customer has entered Ladies and gentlemen, please go if it is convenient for you I will go buy a Tokai Walker from now on Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original content.
明日は、東海ウォーカーの発売日 今回、東宝苑が東海ウォーカーさんからご依頼を頂き、明日発売される雑誌に掲載されます 記事が小さいので、見落としさないように 連日、沢山のしいたけ狩りのお問合せやご予約の連絡が入り、いよいよ秋本番、東宝苑 一番商品 しいたけシーズンが始まるんだな。 と、埋まっていく予定表を見ると とてもわくわくします ご興味があれば東海ウォーカーを買って見てください お一人でも多くのお客様がご来店していただけると、嬉しいです 雑誌見ました。とかお声をかけてもらえるとうれしいですLanguage This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original content.
Hello This month, I'm busy with something, and I haven't been able to update my blog. 9It's been half of September in a flash. Speaking of September, autumn!? So, I tried to make Toho's homepage a autumn-like color! There are a lot of things to look forward to in autumn, aren't there? In terms of food, not only shiitake mushrooms, but chestnuts and baked potatoes. Sweet and HokhokIt's warm, isn't it? I started hunting maples and went for a drive to the mountains to see the autumn leaves, and I'm excited just thinking about it now! Every day, yada. I get tired when I'm just complaining, and I feel bad about people around me, and I always try to think about fun things. Well, there seems to be no trouble from the surroundings. Sometimes I'm told Because there are fun things, I can overcome unpleasant things. So, how to have a good time in autumn by all means! ? Please let me know if there is a recommended place etc. We are waiting for an e-mail from the inquiry farm of the homepage.Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original content.
☆ Shiitake mushroom hunting guide ☆ A new pamphlet of Tohoen has been completedCrackling crackling Reservations are being accepted Scheduled period: Mid-October to mid-December (varies depending on the year) Please make a reservation when you come to the store. LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.