After leaving this year, I put in 3 days today Is there anything left to do?While listening, I myself do not feel that it is New Year's Eve or New Year's Eve Tohoen's year-end and New Year holidays are closed on December 25, Reiwa Reiwa 3, 2004 as New Year's holidays. This year, too, due to this corona disaster, the number of customers has decreased from usual. Although it is true, we still have many customers visiting the store, the joy of meeting again with those who come every year, and visiting the store as a new one. There were also many customers who said that this yearCustomers visit our stores. It was a really, really thankful year. Thank you very much. Thank you for your continued support of Tohoen. Although the situation is still untenable, please have a peaceful and good New Year's Eve. In the New Year, we will be open from January 7 Motomura Co., Ltd. Year-end and New Year Holidays Notice Reiwa December 31, 2013 ~ Reiwa January 5, 2004 will be a winter vacation. New Year Reiwa We will be open from January 6, 2004Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original content.
★ Information ★ on the year-end and New Year holidays We will be closed from December 25, Reiwa Reiwa January 6, 2004. The last business day of this fiscal year, December 24, is combined with Nik Day every month.Christmas Eventswill be held. Tohoen's original Christmas chicken & pizza using our homemade stone kiln Thank you again for many reservations this year 1At the end of the year, we will deliver each and every one of our staff with all our hearts so that everyone who makes a reservation can have the best Christmas. Although it is a little early, all the Merry Christmas Tohoen staff LanguageThis page was automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.
Good morning We will hold an annual Christmas event. This year, there is a quantity limit on chicken. Every year, please make a reservation as soon as possible because it is very popular The deadline for reservations is December 20. At Tohoen, the butcher department (a butcher shop in the mountains), we also accept reservations for the sale of meat that is appreciated by everyone. During the year-end and New Year holidays, we also recommend sukiyaki and shabu-shabu with your family. Of course, the end of the yearFor New Year's greetings, how about the finest meat?Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original content.
Raw Wood Cultivation Shiitake Diary 皆様に、オープンを待って頂いておりますので、東宝苑も誠意をもって、 今現在のしいたけの状況をご報告させて頂きます。 みなさん、分かりますか??少し前までは、しいたけの赤ちゃんも出てきてなく、本当にこちらも不安で 不安で。。。(冷や汗) 天気予報は、当てに出来ず、予想がつきません。。 今朝は、このようにお陰様で赤ちゃんが沢山確認できました。 中には、まだ収穫には今のペースで2・3日で大きくなるかな。といった椎茸も確認出来ております。 皆様には、ご迷惑とご心配をお掛けしておりますが、もう少々お待ち頂きたいと思います。 東宝苑でも、1日でも早く皆様の期待に添えるよう準備を進めております。 しいたけの成長、収穫はコントロールが出来ず、数は少ないながらも本日収穫を致しました。 初物として、東宝苑の市場にて数量限定で販売もさせて頂きました。 朝晩と日中との温度差で成長していくのですが、ここ2日と朝5度、日中20℃と体調崩しそうなくらいの 寒暖差があり、成長してくれたのかな。と言った感じです。 今現在、ご予約をお受けしているお客様を優先的にご対応させていただきます。 まだ、ご予約をされていないお客様は、東宝苑へお電話ください。お問合せのメールは、ご対応にお時間がかかってしまいます。尚、土日はメールは返せないので、お電話をお勧めいたします。 土・日曜日から予約が埋まっており、既にご予約がいっぱいの日もございますので、ご予約はお早めにお願いいたします 完全予約商品もございます。 しいたけ堪能セット ・しいたけの釜飯 ・しいたけの土瓶蒸し ・じねんじょ ・お茶漬け用お出汁のセット料理 1食1,650円(税込) こちらのお料理は、前日までにご予約をしないと当日ご提供できないメニューです。 この時期限定の大人気メニューです。 ご予約の際に、ご一緒にいかかですか? 何度でも言ってしまいますが、ご来店の場合、ご予約をお願い致します。 しいたけの成長が追い付いていない状況ですので、ご予約を頂いているお客様を優先させて頂きます。 ご予約がないお客様は、当日お断りをさせて頂く場合がございます。 当日のしいたけの状況では、栽培上、収穫しなくてはならない場合など状況に合わせてお受けすることも ございますが、基本はご予約をお願いしております。 大変、ご不便をお掛け致しますが、ご理解のほど、宜しくお願い致します。 東宝苑 (ご予約)0536-76-1151 こちらまでお電話ください。 Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。
Tomorrow is the monthly Nik Day. This month, we will offer 10% off all meat items Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original content.
大人気 しいたけ狩りBBQに関して ご案内 10月28日(木)より今シーズンしいたけ狩りOPENを予定しておりましたが、 申し訳ございません。今現在、しいたけの赤ちゃんは沢山顔を出して来てはいますが、 急に寒むなり、秋が無く冬の気候になってしまい、思うように椎茸が成長しておりません。 しいたけ狩りOPEN日を変更致します。 ギリギリまで決断を悩みましたが、ご報告が遅れ、申し訳ございません。 現状、この日にオープン出来ます。と言う予想が今年は出来ない為、申し訳ございませんが、 ご希望のお日にちがあります場合、お問合せくださいますよう宜しくお願い致します。 ※ご予約日の該当のお客様に関してましては、本日朝一番 順番に直接ご連絡をさせて頂いております。 ご迷惑をお掛けして、申し訳ございません。 ご予約は、全て東宝苑で管理しております。 お日にちの変更をお願いさせて頂いたお客様は、優先してご予約を取らせて頂いておりますので、 再度、ご予約の時にはその宗をお伝え下さい。 また、既にご予約がいっぱいでお受け出来ない日もございます。 ご来店時は、必ずご予約頂けます様、宜しくお願い致します。Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。
Good morning on this month's Nik Day ^^ Today, it was cloudy and then rainy. Because there is no sun, it is cold October 29th of this month, Nik's Day announcement Meat All items will be offered at a 10% discount This Weekend, Halloween Well, do something. I don't mean to, but it makes me feel a little better. I want to take care of each event. 10From Thursday, the 28th of March, Shiitake Hunt will also be open. Thanks to you, we have already made reservations for many people. Reservations are filled from Saturday and Sunday, and we are currently making reservations after November 8. When you come, please be sure to make a reservation. We will give priority to those who have made reservations. ※ Customers who do not have a reservation may wait or refuse depending on the reservation situation. Thank you for your understanding. LanguageThis page was automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.
Good morning Since last night, the cold has come at once. We will inform you from Tohoen. We have been waiting for youWe will start making reservations for shiitake hunting from today The opening schedule may fluctuate depending on the appearance of shiitake mushrooms on October 28 (Thursday) If you wish to visit the store near the opening day, we will respond individually. When you visit, please make a reservation. You can also make a reservation from the inquiry form on the homepage or by phone. There are also some things to check, so it is recommended that you make a reservation by phone smoothly Really, really, thankfully, everyone was waiting for the reservation start date and there were people who made reservations as soon as the date changed, and all the staff are really grateful. thank you All the Tohoen staff will make efforts to deliver our proud shiitake mushrooms to even more customers so that we are not satisfied with this. It doesn't matter if it's a shiitake hunt or whatever. If you have any questions, we will respond to you each time, so please do not hesitate to contact us. Tohoen 0536-76-1151 Reservations will be filled up on Saturdays and Sundays first, so we recommend that you make a reservation as soon as possible if you have a desired date. From this year, under the new system, we will take thorough measures against infection so that as many customers as possible can visit the store, and on days when the number of people who have made reservations is large, we will separate the time such as admission restrictions. Thank you for your understanding. LanguageThis page was automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.
Good morning We will inform you about the reservation of shiitake mushroom hunting from Tohoen Ladies and gentlemen, we have been waitingThis season's shiitake hunting opens on October 28 Tohoen shiitake hunting reservations will start accepting applications from October 18 (Monday) * All of Tohoen's shiitake mushrooms are produced by cultivation of raw wood. We try to cultivate shiitake mushrooms in a state as close to nature as possible. Since there will be a difference in production amount every day due to weather and temperature, we may limit the number of units on the day. At the time of reservation, we will explain and make a reservation only for those who are convinced. In the case of visiting the store, we will give priority to the customer who made a reservation, so please make a reservation when you visit. To make a reservation, please make a reservation by phone to Tohoen or by using the inquiry form on the website. When making a reservation on the website, it is smooth if you enter your name, date and time, number of people, shiitake hunting, BBQ, etc. in advance. If you have any questions, we will respond each time, so please do not hesitate to contact us. LanguageThis page was automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.
~News from Tohoen~ We harvested the first raw shiitake mushroom of this season ^ ^ The number is still small, but there are also babies. It's still hot during the day, but autumn is definitely approaching. I really feel that Everyone, please wait for a while for a reservation for Shiitake Hunting. Tohoen is steadily making preparations for the hunting of shiitake mushrooms. I will do my best to report to everyone that I will start as soon as possible. At present, there is a very large increase in inquiries from telephone and homepages, We will send out information about Tohoen Karashiitake in a hurry.Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original content.